vol. 9, 2022
Fascinating Noise: Sound in Art and Science
The Birth of Performance Art From the Spirit of Noise: Punk and Performance Art in Croatia
Ljubica Anđelković Džambić
The Phonograph as a Non-Philosophical Machine: From Representation to the Reproduction of the Unimaginable Real
Mehmet Avcı
’I Call, You Respond?’: Game Calls, Hunting and Sound Mimicry in the Black Forest
Diane Barbé
“Don’t Think, Just Fart”: Noise and the Comic Value of Flatulence
Rômulo Moraes
Soundscapes of Possible Minds: Meditational Cybernetics in Brian Eno’s Ambient Music
Megan Phipps
What Do We Hear When We Hear Microbe Sounds
Emre Sünter
The Soundscape of Man in the Holocene: An Exercise in Sensitization
Dong Xia
From Postdramatic Heterogeneity to New Reflections on Noise: The House of Extreme Music Theater and the Schachtophonia Accenni for Kamov
Anamarija Žugić Borić
Practice Research
The Sounds of Melting Mountains: A Sound Cartography of Mining in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Frederico Pessoa
The Liminaut: Lost and Found in the Field
Tomáš Roztočil
Review Essay
Opening Performance Orchestra’s Noise of Art
Joseph Nechtaval
Book Reviews
Erica Fretwell: Sensory Experiments
Marlo De Lara
Milena Droumeva and Randolph Jordan, eds.: Sound, Media, Ecology
Colin Frank
Eldritch Priest: Earworm and Event
Malte Kobel
Mark C. Taylor: Seeing Silence
Said Mentak
Anna Snaith, ed.: Sound and Literature
Mahesh Sharma